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Segue Garden:
Organic Food Badge 3_edited.png

1636 Churchlane Phila PA

Once a 24 year old vacant plot filled with trash

now an educational food resource!

About Segue Garden:

The  "Urban Farming" Program under D.I.T.O.'s "Segue Garden" division officially started June 6, 2014. In its conception, it was solely an effort to clean out 24 year vacant plot, 1636-38 Churchlane Phila, PA 19141;  a communal nuisance. The mission and purpose quickly grew as D.I.T.O realized the need was far greater. Research found West Oak Lane to be a food desert (minimal access to nutritional food) with increased percentages of cardiovascular diseases and blighted land. It was this knowledge that expanded the Segue Garden's division services to include Urban Farming; to provide access to health education while bringing organic/healthy food to the West Oak Lane community. D.I.T.O. wants to motivate people of all ages within the West Oak Lane Sector of Philadelphia into seeking better food choices by educating them on the benefits of choosing "organic food".

Events & Happenings

 Need​s of West Oak Lane 

  • Access to "organic foods"

  • Positive uses of its vacant publicly owned plots

  • Health programs surrounding cardiovascular conditions linked to poor diet.

Questions & Answers

What Is Urban Gardening?

Urban agriculture is growing or producing food in a city or heavily populated town or municipality. Urban farming is often confused with community gardening, homesteading or subsistence farming. Urban agriculture assumes a level of commerce, the growing of product to be sold as opposed to being grown for personal consumption or sharing. In community gardening, there is no such commercial activity. You don’t have to be a corporation to be an urban farm or have a large tract of land. An individual, a couple of friends, a nonprofit entity, or neighborhood group can start and run an urban farm. There is no one correct sales outlet for an urban farm. Food can be the sold to restaurants or at a farmers market, given to a local soup kitchen or church, but the food is raised primarily to be moved (through some form of commerce) from the grower to the user.

Why is Urban Gardening  Important?

1. Urban Farming is Sustainable For People and Planet

It strengthens local economies by creating jobs and access to healthy food. It strengthens local ecologies by sequestering carbon and creating green spaces that add shade and counter the “heat island” effect of so much concrete. Urban farms also provide a much-needed respite for the pollinators that are so vital to our food system. As an added bonus, growing food where you live cuts out the food miles that cucumber travelled to get from Mexico to your plate.


2. Urban Farms Put Nutrition Back On the Table

Urban food deserts are a serious issue facing many inner city communities. Without access to fresh, healthy food, many families end up surviving on the Wonder Bread and Kraft Dinner available at their local CVS. Urban farms help them thrive by putting healthy produce at their doorsteps and on their plates. And kids who grow up growing food are inspired to eat more vegetables. They’ll end up passing these healthy habits on to others in their community, and eventually their own kids. farmers markets is getting fresh fruits and veggiesthat are healthy.”


3. Growing Together Builds Community

There’s nothing quite like bonding with your neighbors over this summer’s epic tomato harvest. Many cultures revolve around food – growing, cooking, and eating it. Food connects people, and growing food together is one of the best ways to connect. Even people who don’t get their hands dirty feel an increased sense of community thanks to urban farms – especially when they can help their urban farmers thrive in other ways, like supporting local projects.


4. Urban Farms and Organic—a Match Made in Heaven

Organic urban farming means no pesticides. Urban farmers often have less pressure from pests and weeds, so they can easily grow organic. And that means fewer toxic pesticides and synthetic fertilizers entering our environment and our food supply. Organically grown fruit and vegetables also contain higher levels of some nutrients, such as antioxidants.


5. Urban Farming Brings Nature Back to the City

Green spacing sprouting an abundance of fresh fruits and veggies is a sight for sore eye after miles of dull concrete roads and sidewalks. So many of us city dwellers are starved for nature, and urban farming brings it back in a big way. The benefits: connecting with nature is good for us. Growing food in your city gets you moving, and gets your hands in the dirt, which is shown to have therapeutic benefits.

Plus, you get strawberries. And tomatoes, and green beans, and melons, and lettuce, and hot peppers and more giant zucchini than you know what to do with.

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